It is the one moment to rise to a challenge. Please go to to donate.
Funds are needed desperately to get data for on-line support for our Grade 12s for the Final (Terminal) Matric examination starting on the 11th November 2020. At the Maths Centre, 3547 Grade 12s, and 2481 Physical Science are preparing for this. Contact time was cut drastically and with differentiated time tables to accommodate Covid-19 protocols.
Help me to support them to get the best out of the next few weeks to make up on four lost months of learning. Help me to get them on their feet to put their best effort in the next few weeks. Sadly, it is a beginning of a never ending challenge, the future of so many young people walking into a post Covid-19 world; shrinking university places; a jobless economy; massive digital divide, a debt ridden country, corruption crisis that never seem to end.