On the 8th of November we had the pleasure of attending the PEP PROJECT AWARDS at Ikaneng Primary School in Soweto. PEP was honouring grade 4 and 5 students who achieved execellent marks during the 2016 academic year. They gave out accolades to top students and they also gave recognition to the hard working teachers who go the extra mile to help the learners out by offering extra classes after school.
Grade 4 learners receiving awards(left) School learners performing a drama(right)
Present were the PEP representatives, Maths Centre representatives Rekias , project monitors, school principal, school based manager, teachers and caterers for the learners
The principal thanked The donor-PEP, Maths Centre for the materials and training of teachers and everyone else involved in the project’s success.
Grade 5 learners receiving awards
Part of the delegation in attendance; one of the external supervisors( centre), from right-deputy principal, Maths Centre Manager & PEP representatives
A teacher receiving award from the Deputy principal(right) and the Principal (centre back)