Northern Cape Petra Diamonds Kimberley – MST Term 2 –Advocacy Campaign :“Parent Count, Parents Matter”
Published: November 2, 2016

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  1. Parents Matter, Parents Count:

The Aim of this Campaign:

To inspire greater parent involvement in schools as well as the importance of transformation in communities.

Sessions with parents on how they can support their children and schools as well getting learners involved with the importance of better disciplined behaviour and a growth mindset regarding their own future. Parents get into partnerships with the schools to ensure that learning takes place and assist in establishing an effective learning environment at school and at home.  Learner discipline will improve and parents will be more involved.


The aim of this campaign is to have progressed learners and their parents to understand the importance of being accountable and committed to ensure the learners’ success in 2016 and thereafter. The learners’ role and commitment towards their own future was carried over by means of presentations, discussions and guidance on understanding why they should transform their current habits to being accountable in terms of their schoolwork and contribute to making their own dream a reality. Study skills and some ideas on getting yourself equipped and ready for your own futuristic dream were shared with the learners and their parents.


The Concept of the Campaign:

Discussions with parents on how they can support learners and schools as well as getting learners involved with the importance of improved disciplined behavior and establishing an effective learning environment at school as well as at home and the importance thereof.


What was done?

  1. Parent and Learner discussions were conducted with grade 8 to 12 groups at three schools. A total of 9 sessions were conducted.
  2. The themes were:
  3. “Accountable Parenting”.
  4. “Fixed mindset VS Growth mindset”
  5. “Parent role in the “Gym””.


Session 1: (Parent count)

On 13th of April 2016, this Advocacy Campaign was conducted at Ikanyegeng Combined School as part of the introduction of the school as a new school added to the Petra Diamonds Project.

The session was on Accountable Parenting with all the Grade 8 to 12 Progressed and normal pass group of learners and their parents. The concept of being progressed has been explained to parents and learners, as it is clear that they did not really understand what “progressed to next grade” means. Parents and learners were informed on this and then also have been guided through some processes regarding accountable parenting and the importance of parents guiding their children to take control and responsibility towards their own academic future.

Parents, Learners and Teachers have to take the responsibility to be more accountable in terms of children’s school work, so that the learners may become successful people, people that will, can and should reach their destined full potential.

For learners, parents and teachers to establish this and to move academically towards success, all stakeholders have to be part of a TEAM – Together Everyone Achieve More. This can be established with guidance in the process of creating and honoring a learning environment at the school and at home, with accordance to Teachers, Parents as well as Learners working together.

 Some of the feedback comments regarding the workshop from the parents:

As a parent I again discovered a new my duty as parent. This was a mirror to us as parents. I will help my child in every way I can and motivate and encourage other parents to do the same. I learned a lot that I as a parent am going to apply. I learned a lot on how to teach my children about their future and how to support them. I want to and I am going to be a better parent.

 Sessions 2 and 3: Moving from a “Fixed mindset to a Growth mindset” for parents. (2 Sessions – Grade 8 and 9 group learners from Pescodia and Thabane separately).

On 19th of April 2016, this Advocacy Campaign was conducted at both Pescodia High School and Thabane Secondary School with the parents of Grade 8 and 9 groups of learners.

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Information on the strategies, importance and value of parents moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset were discussed and explained in accordance with the parental role in the “Gym”. With time many approaches and believes need to be addressed and tuned to establish outcomes that will benefit all. However we seem to get stuck in the past and approaches that worked then, but, if we as parents understand that we need to adopt, apply and change according to current ideas, strategies and approaches, we as parents can be able to address and lead the modern time learner thoughts and believes.

Some of the feedback comments regarding the workshop from the parents:

I as parent now understand my responsibility and I am very motivated. This encouraged us as parents to have more time for our children. This made us as parents aware of issues happening with our children. We received ideas on how to deal with our children. As a parent I now understand the importance of communication. What I as a parent did not know, I now understand and know. I realized that my child needs my love and time. I learned how to motivate my child and the importance of time spent with my child. It brought me back to reality. I truly had a wake-up call as a parent on my role as a parent. I again realized the importance of my child’s future. This was very motivational.

Sessions 4 and 5: Moving from a “Fixed mindset to a Growth mindset and the role of the parent in the Gym” for parents. (2 Sessions – Grade 10 and 11 group learners from Pescodia and Thabane separately).

On 20th of April 2016, this Advocacy Campaign was conducted at both Pescodia High School and Thabane Secondary School with the parents of Grade 10 and 11 groups of learners.

Some of the feedback comments regarding the workshop from the parents:

To assist my child towards a growth mindset is the best gift I can give my child. I gained motivation on how to be a better parent. All said was the honest truth about us as parents and our children. The roots of the tree made me rethink. Outlay of lesson was very understandable.

Session 6 and 7: Moving from a “Fixed mindset to a Growth mindset” for parents. (2 Sessions – Grade 12 group learners from Pescodia and Thabane separately).

On 19th and 21st of April 2016, this Advocacy Campaign was conducted at both Pescodia High School and Thabane Secondary School with the parents of Grade 12 groups of learners.

Some of the feedback comments regarding the workshop from the parents:

The growth mindset for my child helped me a lot. As a guardian I appreciated this session a lot, I will support this child. We as parents need information like this. I learned to be supportive to my son, I will check his books and attendance to see how he is doing his work. I was taught a lot in terms of helping my children to take responsibility of their life and future. It taught me to never give up and strive towards a continuous learning mindset. This showed me a new opportunity and way to support my child towards a new beginning.


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