It is absolutely crucial that correct resources are used to enhance understanding and processing of mathematical and scientific concepts. Concretisation of certain concepts attaches them to real life and simplifies learning.
The products were designed to ensure efficiency of cost and effectiveness of the curriculum coverage in each of the learning areas, Maths, Science and Technology. Current products are:
- Mathematics Learning and Teaching Materials
- Foundation Phase Kit
- Intermediate Phase Kit
- Senior Phase Kit
- FET Kit
- Intermediate Phase Natural Science Cart
- Senior Phase Natural Science Cart
- FET Physical Science Cart
- MST Mini kit for Engineering and
- Artisans kit
- MST Resources for Engineering and
- Artisans Cart
Entrepreneurship Education
- How to start up and run a business
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Early Childhood Development Resource Kit
- CT software for primary schools
- ECD accredited materials
- Whole school manuals
- Advocacy campaign manuals
- NCV accredited manuals
Maths Centre offers Training and CAPS aligned Learner and Teacher Support Materials for Mathematics, Physical Science, Natural Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship. We can customise training to suit your needs anywhere in Africa.