Introducing Parents Count, Parents Matter
Published: October 19, 2016

Family Maths and Science clubs will be set up, especially for primary schools where parents can come by arrangement during the school day to understand issues of curriculum, reporting and supporting learners.Schools will be encouraged to set up a parent teacher association.

Parents will be given a clear insight into the world of STEM through talks, how career choices are made, what is required to fulfill their dreams for their children, why their participation as equal partners is imperative, attendance at Maps and Mirrors etc.

Parent meetings, special talks and video evenings, Family Maths, Science and Technology concept will be developed to support parents to understand how to facilitate learning at home. School hubs will be the venue for this purpose.

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Mandela Day – Rise UP Against Hunger Event

Dear Colleague’s  We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for putting in their 67 minutes for Mandela day on Friday the 15th July 2022. It is without a doubt that UBS SA with the Maths Centre team made an impact. We...

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