Blog by Witness Matereke – Eastern Cape AECI Trainer
The Learner motivation campaign was held on the 16th of March 2020 at Ethembeni Secondary School. Grade 10 – 12 learners from the school and their educators gathered to be motivated and tune each other to “dare to be different”. The Principal opened the event by addressing the learners and introducing the team from Maths Centre. He urged learners to take advantage of the opportunities that they alone amongst many other schools in the region had access to. Learner focus must be about getting the best out of given opportunities and not be derailed by peer pressure. The school management team and the SGB chairperson handed over to the learners the symbolic gift of motivation “SURVIVAL KIT” from Maths Centre/AECI.
As a way to motivate learners and prepare them for exams, Maths Centre took an innovative initiative to put together a Survival Kit. The kit does not only help learners with exam tips, but gives life-long lessons on coping with life issues. The Project Manager, Mr Shepherd Chigogo, explained the contents of the Survival Kit.
Survival Kit